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Small Groups

Small Groups
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Small Groups

Small Groups
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Christian Growth
10 February - 12 February | 7pm - 9pm | R150pp
Join us for our Christian Growth, a course designed to equip you and bring understanding to the following:
-The Birth and vision of CFC
-Understanding aspects of our salvation
-Water baptism
-Three steps to receive anything from God in prayer
-The rewards of the faithful servant (tithing)
-Growing as a spiritual being
-Receiving the power of God (infilling of the Holy Spirit).
The course includes a manual at the cost of only R150.00 per person, and you can register today on Quicket or by visiting the Christian Family Church website.
It will be happening at Christian Family Church Johannesburg, in the Dr Bev Auditorium and will start on the 21st - 23rd of October, so book your spot today.
For those who require more information, send an email to robyn.biblecollege@cfcsa.co.za, and we'll connect with you.
Unfortunately, there is no child minding available.
Biblical Principles of Marriage
3 March - 7 April | 7pm - 9pm | R200pp
We have good news for you! God is doing such a wonderful work through our Marriage course.
If you are already married it will highlight marriage to you in a way you may not be expecting in an extremely enjoyable manner to relight the flame.
If you are planning to get married soon we encourage you to join this curriculum as it is one of our marriage requirements to help you be well prepared for your marriage ahead.
If you have any questions please send an email to robyn@cfcsa.co.za
If something is valuable to you then it’s important to invest in it right? …. Then come learn how to create happiness in your marriage to last you a lifetime!
Join us for 6 weeks, every Monday, 19:00 - 21:00 in the Theatre.
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th of March and the 7th of April.
No child minding available.