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Small Groups
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Small Groups

Small Groups
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Small Groups

Small Groups
List of Groups
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Become a member
Join CFC
In our church, you will hear people saying, "CFC is my home." It really is our desire that you too will find it a place to call home.
A place where you feel relaxed and free to worship God from the heart. A place where you constantly hear messages that are relevant, uplifting and at the same time challenging you to be all whom you are called to be.
A place where you feel loved and have the opportunity to compassionately love others.
So whether you're just looking to check out the church on a Sunday or you're looking for a place to call home... feel free to join us!
Becoming a Member
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing at CFC and make this your home,
we would like to invite you to become a member by attending
Growth Track is made up of three steps, and during Step One you will have the chance to join the church.
In Step One you will also hear the story, the heart, the purpose and the vision of the church.
You will also find out how and where you can get connected.
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